
Debate Info

Of course! No!
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Of course! (1)
 No! (1)

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Forevergone(7) pic

Do foreign people belong in Australia?

Personally I think yes. Another by forever gone!

Of course!

Side Score: 1


Side Score: 1
1 point

If you depict "foreign" as non-indigenous you are bit late with this debate.

As "foreign" there were cultures who were visiting this land for many years before the Europeans arrived. A good example is the Macassan who came to Arnhem Land and there are Yolgnu people who are proud of their "Macassan" heritage.

Later the Europeans who arrived and then settled here in the 18th & 19th Century came from "foreign" lands.

Then there are the migrants who came here after WWII. The snowy mountain irrigation scheme, for one, is a feat that may never have been accomplished without their skills and labor.

Since then many other nationalities have arrived and constantly contribute to the multi-cultural Australia we know and enjoy today

Side: Of course!
1 point

Australians belong in foreigners!

In their mouths! In their... :)

Side: No!