
Debate Info

Pets Laborers
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:9
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 Pets (1)
 Laborers (3)

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Mingodalia(203) pic

Do White liberals see minorities as pets?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 4
2 points

Probably. So watch out, they're going to sick'em on you in the next election. Expect to get bitten.

Side: Pets
PaulJWatson(7) Disputed
1 point

Nothing grander than handing your childrens' future country over to third world cultures, so that your children are forced to assimilate into them. Now let's take away their guns so they can't defend themselves in a future nation of cartels.

Side: Laborers
Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

What happened to the pets analogy?

And if the pets are dangerous then don’t we just need the equivalent of a cat whisperer to retrain our pets to be good.

Side: Pets
0 points

I'll take this side because I was a "laborer", and many of them "labored" to build this country .... usually for less money. We should fix that! Next time we get a non-racist, Democratic President we should REALLY try to get back to before they were Trumped.

I've known a few that would make LOVELY pets. Beautiful. And since I'm a liberal, I'm kind to my pets, love them, treat them as equals in the family .. you know, good food, health care, respect. My friend (another liberal) had a beautiful Puerto Rican "pet". Lucky guy. My daughter brings a beautiful black pet with her sometimes. Last time I saw her I told her I was sorry, I didn't recognize her without her Bikini. Yeah, I know, I'm being sexist, but I really respect that Bikini.;-)

The other side of the family doesn't like those pets, but then, that's the conservative side. Nothing unusual.;-(

Side: Laborers