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Students have a role Students don't have a role
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:17
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 Students have a role (4)
 Students don't have a role (5)

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dhathri(17) pic

Do the students have a role in fighting corruption?

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Students have a role

Side Score: 6

Students don't have a role

Side Score: 6
thedudeon(27) Disputed
1 point

you must also know that in many other places...the youth just took the rally as an excuse to bunk their classes.

Side: Students don't have a role
92nida(1400) Disputed
1 point

Yeah..., apparently the excuse helped the revolution happen. The action led to a reaction!

Side: Students have a role

"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." Albert Einstein

Side: Students have a role
thedudeon(27) Disputed
1 point

what Einstein said is true.but that does not mean that when you talk about a role your not talking about what should be done. your talkng only aout principles. that means though we say we have a role. no ones doing anything about it. so then its absurd to say a role exists and just accept things that are happening.

Side: Students don't have a role
2 points

Students play very little roles or stand no chances in fighting corruption, in schools, when students are trying explain themselves or try to stand against their point, an argument may occur. In this case, normally the teachers will punish the students as according to defiance. How can the student fight corruption when they will be punished when they do it? In the social world, students may be known as "Small kids" and not exposed to the outside world, or is it just the fact that the adults do not give them the chance to express themselves? Therefore I conclude that students plays a little role in fighting corruption, because they may not have a chance to or fighting corruption may lead them into more serious troubles.

Side: Students don't have a role

In most schools students get in trouble for arguing with a teacher, so I'm fairly sure they don't stand a chance against a form of corruption.

Side: Students don't have a role
sima(69) Disputed
1 point

i don't totally agree with you. Yes, student's in most cases can't go against teacher. In addition, most students rather pay money then study hardly. Anyway, there is a chance against a form of corruption. Students have rights not to pay money. in order to prove their rights they can record how teacher is asking for money or record a video hoe they are taking money. it is illegal so they can show these records to a judge, but there are little chance to win.

Side: Students have a role
thedudeon(27) Disputed
0 points

you said that they dont win. and your taking about their role about what they can do and what they cannot do. so even if they do something or they dont do anything it still remains the same...corruption has leveled itself into our culture. so whats the point in talking about a role when its hopeless. i say we just accept it and as the word student include it in our curriculum and when we are not "students" when we are grown ppl ...then yes we have a role. its better to focus on creativity rather than talking about something or doing something which has no results.

Side: Students don't have a role