
Debate Info

Yes,They pose a strong threat No/Not Yet
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Yes,They pose a strong threat (1)
 No/Not Yet (2)

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SouthernYank(9) pic

Do we have enough reason to declare war on ISIS?

The growth of the Middle Eastern terror organization,ISIS, has begun to startle a seemingly high number of citizens in the United States and other Westrern countries,however, has ISIS reached that point to where the first world countries must decide on the usage of effective military strategies in order to halt the growth of ISIS and prevent the organization from causing harm to us/ our alliances? If not, what would need to occur in order to provoke Western military action before it is too late? 

Yes,They pose a strong threat

Side Score: 2

No/Not Yet

Side Score: 2

The United States must not be the only country engaged with the goal of defeating ISIS. It must be a coalition of countries united through solidarity with a goal of defeating ISIS.

Side: Yes,They pose a strong threat
1 point

We certainly have enough reason to fight against them! Those whose countries are in immediate danger should be LEADING the fight and WE should support them. They have done nothing YET that gives us a reason for "war", but plenty for U.S. to blow hell out of their advances! I'm not ready to "create more American heroes" by waving flags as their bodies roll by! Let those who are in their way die for THEIR country

If you haven't noticed, China is building a base in international waters, and Putin is building up nukes! We have enough to worry about!

Side: No/Not Yet
1 point

There is not reason for us to declare war on ISIS. Just covertly infiltrate them with a suicide bomber and have the bomber scream "IN THE NAME OF OBAMAAAAAAAAA!"

Side: No/Not Yet