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 Do you allow personal grudges to stand in the way of the debate? (6)

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Do you allow personal grudges to stand in the way of the debate?

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2 points

No. If my enemies have one view on a topic and I have the same opinion then I won't change my opinion just to fight against them. As my debate teacher always says "You are arguing against someones ideas, not the person."

Precisely the answer I was looking for. As many probably noticed, Hmicciche and I were in a rivalry this last week - but if I agreed with him, I would support him. Dacey and Kinda have been at each others throats for a while. I haven't paid much attention, but they seem to be trying to do anything against the other.

1 point

If you are in a debate and you go against your own views to prove a point it called "Devils advocate" if you do it for any other reason its called love.

1 point

Absolutely not.


1 point

No my personal grudges do not stand in the way of debating if me and my enemies disagree disagree. If we agree then we agree

1 point

No, I gladly take the opportunity to agree with someone I don't usually agree with. I think it's cool and shows maturity.

But most of those people who I usually don't agree with don't have much to say when we agree. They like hating me.

You know who you are.

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