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Debate Score:17
Total Votes:20
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 Yes (11)
 No (5)

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DrawFour(2662) pic

Do you believe E.F.A. will ever be accepted?


E.F.A. is a movement basically for the legalization of bestiality.


Side Score: 12


Side Score: 5
2 points

I hate the part were the three guys chopped her love up. Then put his meat in her face trying to make her eat it. It was sad. It was the only thing she loved after her parents died. If someone did that to my boy. I would find and catch them. And kill them by slowly chopping them apart and puting there meat in there face. I don't care if I get killed. I would have nothing to live for anyway.

Side: Yes

Just as soon as those goodmale becomes admin of CreateDebate.

Side: Yes
1 point

I am sure there will. There are supported by many scientists. And have a good back ground. And even gay community would want to help us. But they said, On the subject of zoophile rights alone, he says, “it can interfere with are gay community progress, So no. But he notes that those who saw the documentary “see us all in the same boat”

Side: Yes

Yes, but not any time in the near future. If the majority of people are dumb enough to think that homosexuality is a mental disorder/sign of possession, then I doubt they'll be able to understand this any time soon.

Side: Yes
1 point

It still coming either way. And it are ready here, some what anyway. I guss people will just have to get over it. Just like we have to get over somethings they have here.

Side: Yes
1 point

I know I am for it. I am not a zoophilia. But they would do anything to be with there love just like I would. I am ok with zoophilia only doing this. But not other people. I like seeing people happy and in love.

Side: Yes

Animals cannot consent, therefore, bestiality will never be acceptable.

Side: No

You people are fucking sick.

Side: No

Hey guys don't worry if you can't get a date, fuck your dog tonight instead.


Side: No
Awesome1202 Disputed
1 point

You people are fucking sick.

So is homosexuality it makes me want to puke

Side: Yes
goodmale(1459) Disputed
0 points

You are fucking sick, Go rape something. Please make a good argument.

Side: Yes
1 point

Says the person who has already raped their own dog...

Side: No