
Debate Info

All the time. Never.
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:15
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 All the time. (4)
 Never. (7)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40131) pic

Do you ever have this CD world problem?

All the time.

Side Score: 5


Side Score: 9
2 points

Yes, I do...but you would think I could just give myself the points...but I am too ethical to do so...or maybe not. Yes, I would love more points, but I already get an unfair advantage controlling the feature debates. So, I guess I will live with my point total as is!

Side: All the time.
1 point

Uhhh.... that's pretty much my entire CD experience. FML

Side: All the time.

; )

Side: All the time.
1 point

If points give respect then I'd love more, and yes I do not like to argue. I clarify if I can other than telling someone they are wrong with a dispute.

Side: All the time.

Not really, I love debating.

Side: Never.

No..., you don't. You just think you do and you want everyone else to think you do. ;)

Side: Never.
1 point

Firstly, that's a dispute and secondly who the fuck do you think you are to tell me what I do and don't think?

Side: Never.

Nopes... *

Side: Never.

If you didn't like debating why would you be on here? I think it is sad how much people on here get judged for how many points they have. There is a difference between quality and quantity.

Side: Never.
2 points

Your opinion is useless as you only have 1300 points. ;)

Side: Never.