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Debate Score:21
Total Votes:24
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Spoonerism(831) pic

Do you plan on seeing "Capitalism: A Love Story" when it opens?


Michael Moore's newest film, Capitalism: A Love Story premieres today at the Venice Film Festival.  When it opens nationwide October 2, will you see it? 


Side Score: 12


Side Score: 9
2 points

I'm a bit torn as to go see it or not. Moore is one of the most irresponsible filmmakers, but it is fun to laugh at how much bullshit is in his movies.

Though seeing how my girlfriend is a socialist I'll probably be dragged into seeing it.

Side: yes
1 point

Although I understand people's detest of Moore, I find his movies to be incredibly entertaining.

Side: yes
2 points

I do find his movies entertaining, but I get pretty tired of it.

Anyway, it's pretty ironic.

He dislikes the Capitalist system, yet he's made so much fuckin' money off of it. Hell, the very fact that we will go to theaters to pay a COMPANY to see it is showing how he secretly supports the system. I kind of figured this out a while ago (before that anti-Moore movie came out, which I didn't even see).

He sells his books on the corrupting, rich white man (Stupid White Men), even though he, himself, is a rich white man (and many would agree that he's very stupid).

The man is the biggest Con Artist of all time. Good joke, everyone laughs.

Side: No
3 points

Moore doesn't hate capitalism. The whole point of the movie is not to suggest that communism is the proper system, but to show the limits of capitalism to self regulate and the extent of corporate welfare. From what I understand, at his most radical all Moore ever supported was larger social safety nets and more corporate accountability.

Side: yes
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
2 points

And government regulation over a thousand different things.

And Massive gun control.

Affirmative Action.


never called him a commie (in a serious way, and on this site, at least) and i didn't say he HATES capitalism, but he surely does dislike it.

Side: No
1 point

haha I love it.

Hating against rich white men is in these days. And Moore knows this. So he[a rich white man] makes a movie about about it and probably will make a lot of money off of it. The irony of this is fascinating.

Side: No
0 points

Hmmmm.... Moore makes a movie criticizing America's version of capitalism and you assume he's attacking rich white men? I'm not sure I follow your logic.

Recognizing that there are people suffering in a particular system, and working to fix that issue doesn't mean you're necessarily attacking those who have, merely trying to help those who have not.

I can't say I know a ton about the movie, so maybe you're right, but I'm not sure I would understand at all how race would play even a small role in this. I'm not sure why you always resort to these complaints of victimization Jake. Too much Fox news?

Side: yes
1 point

No. I like capitalism.

..shoot me.


Side: No
0 points

Then it's perfect for you! It's a love story between you and capitalism! I'll bet you'd love it! ;-)

Side: No

No. The premiere reviews weren't spectacular so I'll probably just end up waiting until it's online.

Side: No