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Yes because... No because...
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 Yes because... (12)
 No because... (1)

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Vermink(1944) pic

Do you think animals feel emotion?

Yes because...

Side Score: 16

No because...

Side Score: 1
3 points

Humans are animals.

Side: Yes because...
1 point

You make a fair point but lets exclude humans because we all know that humans feel emotion.

Side: Yes because...
TheTroll(36) Clarified
1 point

If humans can feel it there is 99.99% chance another animal can.

Side: Yes because...
TheThinker(1697) Disputed
1 point

You can't be 100 percent sure if I or others feel emotion. You know for sure you feel emotion. But can you be 100 percent sure that others feel emotion?

Lets say if someone said they were sad, ... what if they were lying?

Side: No because...
Side: Yes because...
2 points

My dog has nightmares, gets excited, and whimpers when she is sad. She also wags her tail when she is happy. So i think that animals do feel emotion .

Side: Yes because...
1 point
Side: Yes because...
1 point

I should think they do, otherwise whats the point in bonding between two animals. Mother tigers and bears are very protective over their cubs I'm sure you've heard stories of bear attacks but it has been known for tigers to take revenge on the death of their cubs. Animals will feel anger towards any threat.

Most species have life mates that's got to be some form of bonding love between them otherwise they may not have picked them.(i do know some species pick mates based on what they see and not love but there have got to be some species out there that feel love for each other)

Side: Yes because...

Do you think crying is a sign of emotion...?

Side: Yes because...
1 point

Wish i hadn't watched that but it did make a very good point.

Side: Yes because...
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

Yea, sorry. I'll put a disclaimer.

Side: Yes because...

Moo Moo nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo .

Side: Yes because...

Do i THINK? Yes.

The real question is, do we know? And i do not think we can know 100 percent that a dog or cat can feel emotion when we aren't a dog or cat.

Side: Yes because...

I have seen videos of dogs crying and leaping up to greet someone who was away from home for a long time.

Side: Yes because...
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