
Debate Info

Yes, it is a smart idea No, bad idea
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Yes, it is a smart idea (2)
 No, bad idea (2)

Debate Creator

oh-no(119) pic

Do you think parts of America should secede?

Do you think some states should secede from America?

Yes, it is a smart idea

Side Score: 2

No, bad idea

Side Score: 3
1 point

yes let the bible belt states secede.

Side: Yes, it is a smart idea
zico20(345) Disputed
2 points

I think we tried that once and it didn't work out to well, did it.

Side: No, bad idea
oh-no(119) Clarified
1 point

I think anyone who wants America to be what it is supposed to be.

Side: Yes, it is a smart idea
1 point

Oh God yes, can we please get rid of California, New York, Illinois, and Massachusetts.

Side: Yes, it is a smart idea
oh-no(119) Clarified
1 point

Why only them.................................................................

Side: Yes, it is a smart idea
zico20(345) Clarified
1 point

four very liberal states that have a large electoral college number. Plus congress will be more conservative.

Side: Yes, it is a smart idea

America is already too divided amongst religious groups, political groups, and in some areas, racial groups.

(s)all we need is another divider, like being a separate country (/s)

Side: No, bad idea
oh-no(119) Clarified
1 point

If parts from America seceded it would cause a rebellion and America is a free country, you can believe in whatever and be (almost) anything

Side: Yes, it is a smart idea