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Debate Score:6
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DrawFour(2662) pic

Does God deserve a monopoly on 'good'?

I see God as a guy who made a game and decided the rules to that game, only problem is that game is sentient and it wants to make it's own rules.


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 3

God iz gr8

Side: Yes
1 point

I see God as a guy who made a game and decided the rules to that game, only problem is that game is sentient and it wants to make it's own rules.

God is the one who came before any of us where on this earth and before even this earth was created. He was the one who made the rules on how to get to Heaven and how to succeed in life.

Side: Yes
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

So he deserves to be the sole judge on what is good because of that?

If I may share my belief, it's that if God (christian, hindu, or whoever) made me, then he made me with the thoughts I have, and made me the way I am, meaning he made me with my own sense of what is good, so what is good should be up to me to decide.

Side: Yes
Srom(12120) Clarified
1 point

So he deserves to be the sole judge on what is good because of that?

Yes, because He is the one that created the earth and established the rules on how to live life and to get into Heaven.

If I may share my belief, it's that if God (christian, hindu, or whoever) made me, then he made me with the thoughts I have, and made me the way I am, meaning he made me with my own sense of what is good, so what is good should be up to me to decide.

It shouldn't be up to you to decide what is good or bad. You didn't create yourself. You were called to existence by God to do what He wants you to do. And that is to be in a relationship with Christ and to get in eternity with God in Heaven.

Side: Yes
1 point

So he deserves to be the sole judge on what is good because of that?

I would assume so. He possesses transendental knowledge. He created practically everything. I would say it is fair to judge your own work.

he made me with the thoughts I have,

No. He made Adam and Eve and let them think for themselves. Same for everybody else down the line. You think for yourself.

Side: No

Hmm... a similar question could be "Do you have the right to interfere with your sentient creation?" I say no; if you really did care about your creation you would let it go the way it wants to go, even if that means its own destruction.

Side: No
1 point

Thats pretty much how it is. I don't see God doing anything to stop suffering. The bible even says it will increase.

Side: Yes
Idiotobx914(1339) Clarified
1 point

awkward... .

Side: Yes

He gave goodness to mankind to spread throughout the world.

Side: No