
Debate Info

Yes, and how... No, he is our leader...
Debate Score:35
Total Votes:36
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 Yes, and how... (8)
 No, he is our leader... (12)

Debate Creator

connorowesme(305) pic

Does Joecavalry need to be stopped.

Ok, obviously i am not serious, but lets treat this question as if it was. Does he need to be stopped from getting all of these damned oints, and how should we do it?

Yes, and how...

Side Score: 15

No, he is our leader...

Side Score: 20

If it helps keep Prayerfail here, I'm willing to give up some points ;)

Hell.., I'd even give up some points for a t-shirt. That how big a whore I am ;)

Side: Yes, and how...

Even this joe dude is NOT immortal. He has to die sooner or later. And when he does..., wait..., joe who? ;)

Side: Yes, and how...
2 points

Jesus!!! My first time disputing someone and I'm disputing myself..., being joe cavalry is a way of life. It is a persona, not a person. This account is to be inherited when I die. Joe cavalry will live long after I'm gone ;)

Side: No, he is our leader...
2 points

I just came on here to see who argued " yeah he needs to be stopped." Nice to know who!

Side: No, he is our leader...
2 points

He is just a spammer, posting random repetitive replies everywhere he can.

Side: Yes, and how...

You're jealous ;)

Side: Yes, and how...
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
2 points

...Jealous on someone who cannot make an argument, 2 words long irrelevant replies to his own meaning less debates,, usually on both sides.

No, not really.

Side: No, he is our leader...
2 points

He needs to take a two year break to give me a chance to catch up... wait, what? No. ;)

Side: Yes, and how...
2 points

yes, he wont ally me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I hate this 50 Chars thing)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Yes, and how...

The points in createdebate are as rewarding as the cake in portal. It really doesn't matter,

Side: No, he is our leader...
2 points

He won't stop getting points dude. So trying to stop Joe is going to be impossible because he always makes debates and we respond to his debates plus he makes arguments like no other.

Side: No, he is our leader...

I would like to see what sarcastic remark he will make on this post...

Side: No, he is our leader...
2 points

Oh he will make one you bet! ;)

Side: No, he is our leader...

I am an unstoppable force.. The only thing an immovable force can ever hope to accomplish is change my direction ;)

Side: No, he is our leader...
1 point

No Joe Calvary has become the new Joseph Stalin. Follow him or die. He has become Uncle Joe

Side: No, he is our leader...