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Yes his views are clear No he is more independent
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Yes his views are clear (1)
 No he is more independent (4)

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JoshB42385(15) pic

Does Ron Paul seem republican to you?

Yes his views are clear

Side Score: 2

No he is more independent

Side Score: 4
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I think he is more libertarian and I like a lot of what he says:government should be smaller, we need to balance the debt, deregulate and just basically get the government off our back but I don't like his stand on foreign policy's and the military and for those reasons I probably wont vote for him. I do think he will stand by his beliefs and I have a lot of respect for that. I wouldn't call him a classic republican but maybe more of what a republican should be.

Side: No he is more independent
garry77777(1775) Disputed
2 points

"but I don't like his stand on foreign policy's and the military and for those reasons I probably wont vote for him. "

You don't like him cause hes the only candidate willing to tell the hard truth about your countries foriegn policy, im sorry but is simply small minded.

All of those other pawns, excuse me republican candidates are in the pockets of corporate power, they are a real danger, some thme even talk about a nuclear pre-emptive strike against Iran as being conceivable, do you realise the catastrophic implciations of such an action, the world as we know it would be wiped out, a dystopian future more akin to that depicted in Cormac McCarthy's the 'The Road' would result

Ron Paul speaks the truth, he doesn't say they hate us for our freedom like Santorum, he tells the truth, they hate us cause we occupy their land, prop up brutal dictators to rule over them with an Iron fist while we syphon out their resources, and kill milions of them.

Thats why they hate you, they couldn't give two fucks how you live, they care about the fact that large multinationals like Dick Cheney's Haliburton suckling the resources out of their land while they live in squalor.

Neither does Ron Paul intentionally try to obfuscate issues, and indoctrinate others with vile propaganda e.g. Santorum saying Iran started the agressive relationship in 1979 by taking US hostages but completely neglecting the bitter reality that Iran had a secular democracy and a leader called Muhammad Mossadegh who cared enough about his peoples well being to nationalise his countries oil industry, thus taking the power out of the hands of British Petroleum, this resulted in the US iniatilsing a coup, and installing a brutal dictator, the Shah, who led a repressive regime, and used secret police to keep his population in line, he reign was even worse then the current regime but it didn't matter cause he was a US puppet, willing to subjugate his won people into slavery at the behest of his US masters.

When the Iranian people finally had enough, they overthrew his rule by popular revolution, and knowing who was af fault they took US hostages demanding that the Shah be retuned to face trial as the US had given their puppet refuge.

Ron Paul ins't afraid to say these things cause he knows this policy of aggression and imperialism is not in americans best interest.

"I do think he will stand by his beliefs and I have a lot of respect for that."

But you are clearly not willing to accept the truth he speaks instead preferring to bury your head in the sand, and delude yourself on what the real truth is, i guess ignorance really is bliss.

Side: Yes his views are clear
1 point

"You don't like him cause hes the only candidate willing to tell the hard truth about your countries foreign policy, I'm sorry but is simply small minded."

I said I liked him and one reason I like him is I think his views (including those on foreign policy) are how he really feels and that he, more so than any other candidate, will stand by his beliefs despite polls or other influences. I am not riping into Ron Paul I am merely saying that my views are different than his (and yours)on foreign policy and strong enough to consider other people for president despite the many things I agree with him about.

Since your paying so much attention do you agree with his other views(not including foreign policies?).

"Ron Paul speaks the truth""Ron Paul ins't afraid to say these things cause he knows this policy of aggression and imperialism is not in America's best interest."

just because someone reiterates your opinion doesn't mean their right. I don't know why he would be "afraid" to say anything its a free country. I see his view a little differently. I think he believes we shouldn't be involved with other countries because we would be inevitably influencing their way of life for good or bad, and its none of our business what some other country does or doesn't do. I understand this is part of his core libertarian values but I don't think that its a realistic approach to some potential and current conflict/problems.

Side: No he is more independent

I like Ron Paul in most cases.

Therefore, he can't possibly be a modern Republican.

And considering he's so old, he might have even started his political career around the days of Lincoln, when the Republican Party acted like today's Democrats and the Democrats back then acted like today's Republicans.

Side: No he is more independent