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Debate Score:5
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TheThinker(1697) pic

Does She Have The Right To Sue? - Pennsylvania House Murder

A mother of two sued her real estate agent and her home seller for fraud and misrepresentation for basically not telling her that the house she bought was part of a recent murder. Does she have the right?


Also, does the buyer of a house deserves to know the history of the house before he or she buys it? - another debate question but the main debate question is above.

Here is the link:



Side Score: 3


Side Score: 2
2 points

I think they should have to disclose historical facts about the home such as flooding, radon, a former president lived there, it was built by someone famous or maybe someone just was murdered there!

So yes, lawsuits should be in abundance!

Side: Yes

I think if the house was demented and/or haunted, i think they have the right to sue. But if the house is harmless, i think suing crossing the line. However, i agree with you that the buyer do deserve to know the history and every part and inch of the house. And nice to see you on my debates :)) .

Side: Yes

A house is nothing more than a structure. The events that happened in that house should have no bearing on the transaction. Should we have to disclose whether a child was molested in the house, if ugly people had sex there, or if someone did drugs there? As long as the events don't affect the structural integrity of the home I don't think she has any legal grounds to sue. It seems like a frivolous lawsuit to me.

Side: No
1 point

In the U.S. where I believe there might be a legal obligation to disclose the houses history, yes. But when you really think about it, this is a law based on a superstitious belief. There's no ghosts or poltergeists haunting the halls.

Side: No