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Yes Slavery Exists No Slavery does not exist
Debate Score:1
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 Yes Slavery Exists (1)

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Teacher(71) pic

Does Slavery of Middle Class People Exist?

I cannot purchase a jet.  I cannot take vacations and travel at will like the rich.  I cannot buy a boat or a cabin at will.  My time must be spent working to pay for college loans, car payment, food and a house.  I do not have the freedom to do what I wish.  I must work to pay my bills and eat.  I am a slave to the rich and to paying taxes so that the poor can watch Opera, smoke, talk on their cell phone, collect food stamps and better food than me because of food  stamps.  Yes, I'm angry about

In fact, is the middle class the modern day slaves?  Prisoners don't have to work.  Poor people and welfare people don't have to work.  Rich people don't have to work.  Rich people, they can do whatever they want in the world.  Seems like we're the ones getting Wake up middle class!

Yes Slavery Exists

Side Score: 1

No Slavery does not exist

Side Score: 0

In regards that they are made slaves to a certain employer, slavery does exist.

Side: Yes Slavery Exists
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