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 Donald Trump. Birther or Truth Seeker? (3)

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DarleneJ(201) pic

Donald Trump. Birther or Truth Seeker?

Donald Trump ruffled quite a few feathers of late when he through down the gauntlet and demanding President Obama produce his birth certificate. As this debate continues unresolved for many I do find myself wondering why Obama does not simply put this issue to bed and quiet those who have a legimate concern. If he has the ability to do so.

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2 points

Attention seeker! I suspect that's Trump's main motive... I am not a birther. I think Barry was probably born in Hawaii although I must say I don't understand why he just doesn't produce the damn document and put an end to all this? Oh, who the hell knows? Be he really did have Grandma Toot killed to shut her up! Hahahaha! ;)

1 point

Neither. He is stirring up controversy so as to garner himself publicity.

Oh, and for those interested, he has shared his birth certificate: birth.jpg

It is now 2015 and Donald Trump has announced that he will be running for President, however, he is a radical and the majority of voters will not elect a radical for President.