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Attire is important success Attire isn't important success
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Attire is important success (7)
 Attire isn't important success (2)

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g.jennet(22) pic

Dress for success???

A lot of studies state that attire is essential for career success. Individuals use clothing to influence to opinions and impressions about themselves in the workplace. Thus, they can control others feelings about themselves. 

However, others indicate that it does not matter how one looks like as long he or she does her job proffessionally. 

So, the main question is: do we really have to worry about how we look like to be considered as professionals or our knowledge and academic credits that we have earned from our respected universities are enough???

Attire is important success

Side Score: 8

Attire isn't important success

Side Score: 2
2 points

I have often thought that there was a gray area here...a space where maybe attire is not important if the person practices good hygiene and looks well kept. Unfortunately, there are very few individuals in this world who actually see past the clothing. I am not talking about the difference between designer suits and regular suits, etc., I am talking about the difference between dressing professionally or not. People notice, people care, and often the people who do are the ones that control your professional destiny. While I find casual attire much more comfortable, I comply with the business attire suggestion at my place of employment.

Side: Attire is important success
1 point

It is scientifically proved that clothing effects one's work productivity. When the person dressed appropriately he or she became more assured and confident which results in higher work productivity.

Side: Attire is important success
1 point

I think attire is important for success because the first impression of you people get from your clothes. It is proven that when candidate for job comes for an interview, interviewer makes decision in first 30 seconds. He will already know if that person is right for them or not. That's why dressing properly is important. And "Dressing for success" actually makes sense.

Side: Attire is important success
1 point

I totally agree that your attire is very important for your success. It gives you a small priviledge before your competitor, because it is more pleasant to deal with you.

Side: Attire is important success

Clothes makes the man, and if a man dresses well, he climbs up the corporate ladder.

Side: Attire is important success
1 point

Howdy! With a huge selection of wedding dress styles, sizes and colors to choose from, JJsHouse online store has become a popular choice for brides-to-be looking for affordable and stylish options for their special day. The quality of products in the online store is always high, and this is confirmed by positive JJsHouse reviews but at the same time the prices are affordable. This is what makes it the best choice for many customers who are happy to shop in this online store and do not regret their choice.

Side: Attire is important success
1 point

Well, if attire is important why are we going to the college and studying? May be we can just to learn how to dress, or buy expensive clothes and go looking for a job. I think successful dress is your knowledge

Side: Attire isn't important success
g.jennet(22) Disputed
1 point

I am not saying that attire is the most important thing. But still I want to emphasize that attire has an influence on the person's potential success. Because, people judge your according to your, no matter if you want it or not.

Side: Attire is important success

"It is better to have worked for dinner, than to have dressed for it." unknown

Side: Attire isn't important success