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Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Agree (3)
 Disagree (2)

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Anouska(92) pic

Education kills our common sense

'Sun rises in the East'

The fact is- Sun neither rises, nor sets. Only Earth rotates

So, education kills our common senseLaughing


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 3
3 points

It is how you look at the situation.

Of course education like physics, open our eyes and thus advancing our common sense. In this case, education do not kill our common sense. In this perception.

However, education and disprove our OLD common sense. And in this perception, education do kill our common sense.

i guess the right thing to say is...Education kills our old view and brings us a new enhanced view on topics like physics, chemistry, math, etc.

Side: Agree
2 points

Education, if interpreted as schooling, is something I have always struggled with and yet been a genius nonetheless.

As Einstein and Twain said (Einstein was paraphrasing Twain) "I never let my schooling get in the way of my education."

Side: Agree

Education has its flaws, but for the most part, Education is worthwhile.

Side: Agree

No. It gives us more common sense. We figured out which way the sun rises so we can determine other things like how other plants revolve around the sun. Education teaches us everything we need to know and more. It answer our questions and everything.

Side: Disagree
1 point

Creationism does. Education opens your eyes. .

Side: Disagree