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 Empires in Collision (1)

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sadovsk_osu(8) pic

Empires in Collision

Was European imperialism beneficial for those countries that were colonized by or experienced pressure from European?  


For this question, think about the changes that occurred in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the Americas due to European incursion.

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In a way, yeah. Truth to be told, every industrialized country wants to have an empire. It's human nature to spread and gain power. Unlike back then in the 1600's-1900's, we have "international laws" in place that doesn't allow us to necessarily go into other countries and claim them.

In the end, the US was created because of British imperialism. To some people that was a miracle, to some a curse. Other nations like Australia and Canada came out of imperialism. African nations on the other hand didn't seem to go out as planned. I have researched the colonial expansion into Africa, but I never really studied how it went so good for the Americas but went so wrong for Africa.

Maybe World War 2 had something to do with it?

Also, South America didn't go as planned either.

Maybe it was themselves after they gained their independence.