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Agree Disagree
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Agree (2)
 Disagree (3)

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benahee(7) pic

'Fashion is as much a good thing as a bad thing.' To what extent do you agree?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 3
1 point

This isn't really about fashion, it's about perspective. You can choose to see fashion as a bad thing, but that's just your personal opinion. You can choose to see fashion as a good thing, but that too is just your opinion.

Side: Agree
1 point

In our modern world, the way we dress, the brands we choose to wear reflects our wealth and status in society. People start judging just by how branded our clothes are deemed to be by the market, neglecting the fact that a shiny outer shell does not reflect a person's merits.

Side: Disagree
ricedaragh(2494) Disputed
1 point

Do you not think that this is just human nature?

I'd feel comfortable in assuming, that there have been, always some form of fashion to associate one's favor-ability in selection.

The following is just personal thoughts:

Just as hairlessness is believed to have evolved by sexual dimorphism in the selection of females with fewest lice, a hunter-gatherer with new shiny pelts or that of large game, would suggest a high success level and so on ad infinitum.

We are just playing out the same ritual, those with good levels of personal success (wealth) can be advantageous mates supplanting the more ingrained traits of strength and fitness. Also designer clothes fit better, giving the wearer a better physical presence that would appeal to our primordial mating sense for those with the best genetic potential.

Side: Agree
1 point

Fashion is a good thing. It lets us be a unique individual or part of a community. It lets us express our feeling, emotions and all sorts of other expressions of humanity. Fashion is awesome!

Side: Disagree
1 point

Well fashion is quite unfortunately misinterpreted nowadays seeing as though 12 year old girls walk around shopping centres in -0 degree weather wearing shorts that look like bonds undies, and I'm not metaphorically speaking. I'm being realistic. People view fashion differently, it all depends on one's interpretation.

Side: Disagree