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FromWithin 50 Years Ago

If you were an Pure White Aryan family owned business, would you want our big controlling Government forcing you to allow blacks in your place of business? That is how a Christian family owned business feels for example when they are forced to cater a interracial wedding reception. Christians want to see their children in Heaven some day and try to raise them with Christian beliefs and try to protect them from the political correct worldly lifestyles that go against the Christian faith. It matters not if you disagree with them raising their children in the Christian faith... IT IS THEIR RIGHT! It is none of your business for us seperating blacks and whites, do you want Christians telling you how you should raise your family?

What kind of controlling Government would force private businesses from desegregation? There are plenty of catering businesses who would gladly take the money from interracial couples. There is no need to force people to go against their faith. The arrogance of the government is mind blowing.

I would agree that restaurants should not keep interracial couples or anyone else from eating in their place of business because that would not be lifting up Gay marriage, or other agendas to any particular group such as the NAACP.

When I watch the Liberal media spin these current stories of Arkansas and Alabama, it is so obvious the Liberal bias and the judgmental morons pushing their bigotry towards Christian beliefs, through the news.

Please spare me your ludicrous lies of how Christians hate blacks, or are racist, or judgmental, etc. etc. Christians love all people but that does not mean they must expose their children to lifestyles that the Bible says is a sin. If you were a Black family, would you want your kids helping to cater a NAACP meeting exposing them to racial mixing? The Bible teaches parents to protect their children from worldly sins such as interracial marriage and for you to think Government can force them to go against their faith, only proves everything I say about arrogant controlling Liberals. Christians are simply standing up to their personal religious beliefs and rights, and HOW DARE YOU judge them for this. How dare you deny us for denying blacks!

If an Christian business did not want to cater a interracial wedding, and expose their children to atheistic beliefs, it would be their right to do so. IT'S CALLED FREEDOM no matter how much you want to force your agendas.


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