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yes, he should because... No, he should not because...
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 No, he should not because... (1)

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alicelsy(79) pic

General Percival should be made responsible for the fall of Singapore. [101]

Remember the factors of [PETAL]

Do you think one factor is more important than the rest?

Take your stand and argue your claim. Remember to use PEEL to argue your stand.


yes, he should because...

Side Score: 0

No, he should not because...

Side Score: 1
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No. General Percival should not be made responsible.

He is not to blame for the downfall of Singapore. The main problem lies with Britain's decision. They underestimated the Japanese and thought the Japanese were weaklings. Hence, they only provided Singapore with basic equipments and the weaker troops.

Another reason is that Britain itself was also fighting a war themselves and they could not be bothered much with the South-east Asia war. They only gave the Singapore weaker troops keeping the better ones with them. They could not provide much naval support for Singapore so they only sent Singapore two warships. However, the ships did not have air-support and were quickly sunk by japanese planes. So Singapore was weaker.

The last reason is that the Japanese threatened General Percival that if he do not surrender, he would start killing the innocent people and torture them. General Percival was a kind hearted man and did not want the civilians to be harmed hence, he surrendered.

Due to the following reasons, General Percival should not be made responsible.

Side: No, he should not because...