
Debate Info

Debate Score:19
Total Votes:19
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 Give me something to debate about! Pick my side even! Something, anything good! (19)

Debate Creator

Akulakhan(2984) pic

Give me something to debate about! Pick my side even! Something, anything good!

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1 point

I need my fix! I'll even debate FOR my opposing ideals .

I recently created a debate that was largely ignored: Is Hyperbole Good for Democracy?. Have at it.

ryuukyuzo(641) Disputed
1 point


I gave you my full attention XD


1 point

I'll take a look .

Debate what, my dear fellow? How best to dispose of unneeded or unwanted bodies?


1 point

List two sides and assign me to one of them and I will do my best.

i dont reelly no wat to do here. was do u all think about suicide???


1 point

List two sides and assign me to one of them and I will do my best.

Side one:

People should have the right to end their life at will. If they are unhappy with their life they should not be forced to prolong it.

Side two:

It is selfish. They oughtn't leave their family/loved ones alone. Funeral expenses, etc. can be quite high. The social stigma is also burdensome.

1 point

Assuming side one: Our lives are our own. We are to do with it what we will. I, among others, am/are guaranteed by the American constitution the pursuit of happiness. How one pursues this should be ones own affair.

TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

They may be able to chose which path they which to take on the road to happiness, but that doesn't mean that they can just kill themselves any more than it means they can rape if they get off on violence.

We, as a people, cannot let petty squabbles get the better of us! History has shown that we can not get along with our fellow man (or woman) during a blood feud. It is not acceptable!

Instead, we should all accept the Lord our God as Master of the Universe and let Him take care of us!

PR (preacher)

1 point

List two sides and assign me to one of them and I will do my best.

The front page is littered with garbage debates.------------

1 point

I know. If we can start a series of good debates here, maybe there can be some good results, or I'll have to go back to convinceme.

Go to my greed debate---------------------------------- NEW