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 Global Warming, Whats your opinion? (3)

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eortega(27) pic

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Global Warming, Whats your opinion?

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1 point

The Earth hasn't been getting warmer. Records show that it warms up about every seven years then cools back off. The people who believe in Global Warming are suckers.

Side: Humans can't hurt the Earth
1 point

I agree even though there isn't any hardcore evidence I still think its a problem that the government should put there attention on

Side: Humans can't hurt the Earth
0 points

The earth is 4.5 billion years old. Warming up the earth for 10,000 years MEANS NOTHING...ONLY TO HUMANS. The best thing for the earth is for humans to poisen the earth, kill everyone, then the earth will heal itself in 100,000 years. GREAT FOR THE EARTH.

Depends on perspective.

Side: Humans can't hurt the Earth