
Debate Info

God doesn't exists God exits
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 God exits (1)

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Challenge Debate: God is just imaginary

He was never before, people are just doing buisness with the help of him.


God doesn't exists

Side Score: 0

God exits

Side Score: 1
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1 point

I don't believe in god myself, but i agree he is a concept and that as you put it 'he is imaginary'. Therefore as a concept he exists. if he didn't exist the word god would simply have no meaning.

If you think back 20 years when touch-screen phones were just a concept.... they didn't exist in a physical sense but there was a concept out there that they might come into physical form. We didn't have access to the technology because we didn't know it. Doesn't mean to say that it isn't possible.

Side: God exits