
Debate Info

True Wait...., what...., no!
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 True (7)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

I've always known this but those links make it clear ;)

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Obviously, but the links are not working at least here.--------

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1 point

Question. If the majority of the American people agree that government is detrimental to the nation's progress, how come we've never done something about it? Why haven't we ever just come together as a nation and just, I don't know, overthrew the government? Or at least wrote a letter saying, "Dear Government, we are no longer in need of your services. Signed, The American People." It seems all we do is complain about how badly we're getting fucked over but we're too lazy to take a stand.

Side: True

People are either too lazy or just don't think they can change anything. The ability to take a stand is the only thing I admire about the hippie generation. Too bad this was only a fad.

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