
Debate Info

Smart Stupid
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Smart (1)
 Stupid (1)

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johnnyboy46(211) pic

Guantanamo--->Yemen...Smart or Stupid?

So the government is moving EVERYONE in Guantanamo Bay to Yemen. Yeah, you remembered correctly: Yemen is the capital of Al Quaeda operations. So does the government know something we don't? Or are they completely blind to the potential consequences of this move?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 1
1 point

Never going to happen, who in the world gave you that idea

and the child who says yemen is controlled by osama or its called osama land i say lol, if you are not younger than 16 years old than im sorry to say you are living in your little shell

Side: Smart

Think about it...Yemeni prison, owened by Yemeni wardens, patrolled by Yemeni guards and kept in use by Yemeni police. Oh by the way...YEMEN IS CONTROLLED BY OSAMA BIN LADEN!

OSAMA BIN LADEN HAS LOTS OF FRIENDS IN GUANTANAMO! Therefore, using the money that THE UNITED STATES is paying Yemen (also known as Osamaland), our friend and business partner, Mr. Bin Laden, will break out all his buddies and ruin seven years worth of unnecessary warfare.

Side: Stupid