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Debate Score:5
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 Guys I am not Prodigee it was a lie all along... (5)

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instig8or(3308) pic

Guys I am not Prodigee it was a lie all along...

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Atrag(5666) Banned
1 point

We are all just names online. Who cares if you start using a different name? WAW this guy used to have an account on here that had the name Prodigee!!! How exciting!!! Or maybe he didnt and he had an account with some other name. Imagine that. I think I just wet my pants with the excitement of it all :(

instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

Well with a name as pathetic looking and sounding as yours, I wouldn't be too proud either.

1 point


Prodigee must be some kind of major ass.

But that face. xD

You and I may have our differences, but I'm not in favour of you being banned as long as you don't go back to hacking. The only people who should be banned are JC and that stupid woman who thank God isn't here anymore. I think you all know who I am talking about.

Prodigee1(6) Banned
1 point

No you are not me you fool. There is only one Prodigee. Prodigious for life baby!!