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 Have you ever got rob before and brought the theif to justice? (10)

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KingOfPopForever(6910) pic

Have you ever got rob before and brought the theif to justice?

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2 points

Yes, I have !

1 point

You'll have to tell me about that sometime .

2 points

Alright, I will, you'll have to remind me .

1 point

Nope! Knock on wood and if it happens now it will be because you jinxed me! LOL... JK

1 point

I've been robbed once when I was a kid, but the thief went to justice by the hands of an older friend I had (A really crazy dude from a death metal band). A month or two later we saw each other on the street, he looked at me with a certain hatred as we went by, but he didn't bother me. I don't know what my friend did to him, but it seemed he had something in his left eye. :)

Around that time I got caught stealing a few times too... Never was brought to justice because the guys were cool and wouldn't press charges if we were good boys and returned all the stolen goods (was nothing of much value anyway).

Well, I guess I learned my lessons the easiest way.

But in my country you sometimes don't want to wait for courts to do justice in thefts or beatings. You have to do justice yourself, unless you're a wealthy person who can pay well and make the courts move. Usualy, if you know the right people you can get to find the guy(s) who stole you, and retrieve your things before they sell or dismantle them. But you got to go there yourself, which takes a certain amount of courage and good backup friends (such as the old-school dudes from the thief's neighborhood).

1 point

Nope! Not happened yet. But even if it does.. It is close to impossible to track that person down here at my place. Sometimes.. Your robbed by li'll kids. And once you look at their li'll sensitive faces.. You just tend to forgive them.

-8 points
3 points

Can't understand why ppl ranked your post down...

Side: yes
92nida(1411) Disputed
2 points

What exactly is wrong with this comment? I don't seem to understand............................................................................!

Side: yes