
Debate Info

Good work detective Thanks
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:19
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 Good work detective (6)
 Thanks (9)

Debate Creator

instig8or(3308) pic

Hellno's fifth alt is ravenlily

Good work detective

Side Score: 7


Side Score: 12
2 points

You really disappoint me Prod. You're smarter than this...

Side: Good work detective
1 point

Hey, I have a question: what the Hell happened to Outlaw? (who I always thought was Hellno.) He was posting like mad for weeks and then totally disappeared a week or so ago, after some sort of argument on hacking accounts? Maybe he got shit-canned by the Moderator?

But as far as him being RavingSilly...sorry, I don't see it. He is pretty aggressive and she strikes me as more of the passive-aggressive bon-bon eating stay at home mom who is having strong 7 year Itch urges.



Side: Good work detective
Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

Stop acting like you don't how this works

Side: Thanks
2 points

You don't really get to claim credit for unmasking alts if you are inaccurate 99% of the time.

Side: Thanks
2 points

You are really off the rails... evidence? Please post your evidence or delete this "debate".

Side: Thanks

still haven't found mine. it's pretty obvious.... but.... I don't really give a damn either way.

Side: Thanks
1 point

hi there winklepicker

Side: Thanks
SatintLater(283) Disputed
1 point

Maybe it's less obvious than I thought. huh.....Fascinating

Side: Good work detective