
Debate Info

Debate Score:13
Total Votes:16
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 Hey Chuz, is this your idea of foreplay? (9)

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Sitara(11080) pic

Hey Chuz, is this your idea of foreplay?

You are just mad that you cannot get laid, you fucking liar. I will never apologize to you.

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1 point

So what if Chuz is a virgin? So what if he/she can't ever get laid?

So what if this i the only reason he is angry?

Is it really a reason to make a debate on a site meant for intellectuals to hang out?

Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
2 points

Shut up Prod.

1 point

That's Prodigee? o.O

1 point

Yeah I suppose a 15 year old troll would be mad that he can't get laid.

1 point

I know, right? .

0 points

your down voting is really cute chuzzy but a 15 year old virgin troll needs to troll harder then that.