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Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Homescholing? (4)

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Raider(40) pic


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1 point

In Homeschooling you have the chance to learn more because you can go to meusems

Obviously, in homeschooling they don't teach you how to spell...also, you can go to MUSEUMS no matter where you go to school. Oh, I'm sorry, are we discussing homeschooling or homescholing? My bad if I'm arguing in the wrong debate...

1 point

Bab,bad,bad Are you pulling my leg??Museums??You can study at school and at the same time you can go to the Museums. When you study at home it's bad for your communicative skills, you don't have any ability to make a friends. Children have to study at school!!!

1 point

First let's clear one thing. People who say that people who are homeschool have just has many friends as puplic schoolers. And second this is for u to post ur opion on homeschooling.

Side: homeschool