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 How do you define terrorism? (7)

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Falconnefle(5) pic

How do you define terrorism?

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1 point

It is all the hatred that is suppressed in an individual with high ideals and a person who has lost the power to judge if the path is right or wrong. Terrorists are very eligible people who have chosen the wrong ideals and have been guided the wrong way. All through the terrorists that I've known have a reason that they are defending and are some of those who have been victims of the wrongs of the society. They are people blinded with believes. They might even be good people but their lives have shown them the wrong directions and hatred has overpowered them so much that the magnitude of goodness and badness has vanished from within them.

A group or oneself coming somewhere causing pain.

1 point

From my point of view, terrorism is a big problem nowadays worldwide.

The most bad thing is that terrorism was created by people to achieve some special goals.

It is not good at all, because many people died owing to this, also it brings unbelivable results.

Even in the peaceful countries occurs terroristic attacks!

That's why it is the one of the cruel actions of humanity.

Terrorism is concerned with murder and mayhem. Terrorism is a danger whereby all precautions must be taken.

Killing innocent civilians on purpose.

Terrorism is when worlds collide. Like minded people should find each other and mess with each other and leave non-like minded people alone.

If you want to kill people, kill soldiers. They are like minded. They like to kill also.

If you want to have sex with a specific gender, then do that and leave the other people alone.

If you want to follow a specific religion, then do that and leave the other people alone.

If you want to follow a specific political ideology, then do that and leave the other people alone. Hmmm, by my definition, any liberal that tries to change my point of view is a terrorist ;)

A terrorist is anyone that is different from me ;)

Attal Disputed
1 point

terrorism can be defined as any act that violates human rights, causes damage to private property, government property. The most common cases in terrorism are killing of people. So this proves that you are a terrorist spreading terrorist ideas through the Internet.

Side: violation of the norms is terrorism

Am I violating human rights?

Am I causing damage to private or government property?

Am I killing anyone?

So..., how exactly am I a terrorist again? I don't get it.

Wait..., are you one of those liberals ;)

Side: violation of the norms is terrorism