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 How do you delete a debate? ;'( (5)

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Sitara(11075) pic

How do you delete a debate? ;'(

I want to delete a few of my debates. ;'(

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1 point

Ask andy. I want to help you but either me doesnt know how to.

1 point

When you create a debate go to a debate and it will say your the debate moderator and near the top of the debate you should be able to edit it and it should say delete debate.

another pointless debate? created just to get points pismaila?

addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

She really wants to delete a debate... and to do so go to show details when looking at a debate listing. Under the debate icon select report and then yes....I will delete it in my spam cleanup.


But we can delete our own debates, shouldn't we just do it that way? I deleted one of my own earlier today.