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 How do you feel about Wicca? (7)

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Saurbaby(5502) pic

How do you feel about Wicca?

My mom found a Wiccan book in my room from forever ago and flipped out. 


Which I don't get, becase the main rule in this religion is simply: Don't harm others. 

I mean, I know my mother is Christain, but I don't think she has a clue about other religions. 

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I don't have a problem with any religion. What I have a problem with is dumb people who use it to justify doing horrible things. As for Wicca in and of itself. It seems like a more open minded religion than everything else out there. Well except for Satanism. That's pretty open minded too.

You should pick up the satanic bible by anton szandor lavey, its pretty good. I actually have it on my desk next to me at the moment, it has its issues(apparently the first part of it is plagiarized :) haha) but its still an awesome read.

The church of the subgenius is better, same with a few others.

The best has to be discordianism though :) you are here by ordained a pope!:

oo, and it sounds like your mom equates wicca with evil soul damning witchery; Ignorance isn't always bliss eh?

I find wicca to be one of the more sensible religions, its more individualistic, customizable, uses more of a temporary suspension of disbelief for practically purposes rather then a continual belief in irrational things, etc. My only qualms with it is that, well the dark side vrs light side seems so artificial to me, and sometimes to do good requires harm, and to create is to destroy etc; in short: its still a little too dualistic to me. I"m more of a monist or pluralist.

to do good requires harm, and to create is to destroy etc;

This is why I prefer to do nothing. Just leave it alone.

For example, people want to stop Global Warming, I say, leave it alone. It'll fix itself. True, a bunch of people may die and cities may be lost but...., so what?

It'll fix itself and we will be free from making any of the hard choices. Who wants to chose to harm the economy? Especially when you consider the shape it is in now? And also because the reason we have GW in the first place is because we have way too many people. If we only had a handful of people, our gaseous emissions would NOT matter. But who wants to start taking people out?

And what if GW isn't even man made? What if it is all due to the sun or some cycle the planet goes through? The glaciers on this planet have a history of advancing and receding. Maybe this is the receding stage.

It's better to do nothing. Let nature take it's course. ;)

Wicca is wicked, with their naked women rituals and all ;)

BTW, do kids still do that thing where they say something is bad when they really mean good? Or am I so old that I'm way out of touch? Maybe I should be saying that Wicca is sick. Wasn't fat a good thing once? I don't know. You figure it out. ;)

1 point

I have no real problem with most of wicca's doctrine although some traditions are pretty far fetched. If you are in a coven instead of solitary, then it just becomes another organized religion. I run away from any form of organized religion because it's always about power and control.

1 point

wicca has no dark side and has no relation with satanism in fact satanist like in a gang turns wiccas symbol upside down making the opposite idea of the religion but still they r confused black wicca was created by a man named alister crowly about five hundred years ago to justify his evil doings the only true wicca is loving and caring for nature man and all tht belongs on the earth

Wicca is O.K. with me. So many people confuse it with witchcraft.