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 How long does it take you to get ready, when you are going out? (7)

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Sunset(2024) pic

How long does it take you to get ready, when you are going out?


Come on men, you know some of you take for ever to get ready!

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2 points

If I'm in a hurry, I can be showered and dressed to go in 30 minutes.

1 point

I don't really take a lot of time. I don't like wasting a lot on it... Whoa! But, but my Best friend and my sis are never tired of it. I can guarantee they take no less than hour!

2 points

Yeah I usually am ready quick but then again Iam not into all that junk on the face.

1 point

I'm always ready to go! ;)

1 point

I meant to ask do you even shower? because you are always dressed the same LOL J/K

Approximately 30 seconds.

At all times, I'm wearing underwear, shorts, and a shirt. No socks. Slipping on sandals regardless of weather and season and destination takes 5 to 30 seconds. Generously.

Yes, I am that gross. Get over it.

No longer than 45 minutes. I have my routine and it does not take me long at all.