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 How to prevent global warming (3)

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How to prevent global warming

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1 point

Reforestation Reforestation

Naturally you can't prevent it due to all this technology and what it requires. It's not as simple as turn the lights off when you leave or ride your bike everywhere. Coal burning, respiration, melting ice, car emmissons, forest fires, the list goes on and on. With basic needs like paper or tissue or wood we have to cut down trees. Less trees means less mass photosynthesis. More carbon is in the air and we can't remove it. With the ice melting there is less white ice to reflect light back into space. Onstead it gets absorbed in the ocean water which warms it. The main problem is mass industrialization. Either we can advance technology so that it runs off of pure electricity or wind. Or we can de-industrialize and see what happens. Naturally you want to slow global warming since it just cant really stop all at once. Also its not just carbon thats in the air. Methane and sulfur and a few other elements clot the atmosphere as well.

1 point

Stop spewing massive amounts of coal smoke in the and stop cutting down the rainforest.