
Debate Info

That would suck big time Just hold your breath!
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 That would suck big time (1)
 Just hold your breath! (1)

Debate Creator

johnbonham32(2426) pic

How would it be to be waterboarded?

That would suck big time

Side Score: 2

Just hold your breath!

Side Score: 1
2 points

You can't hold your breath. Anyone who says you can has not been waterboarded. It is totally different from just being underwater. They angle the board so that carbon dioxide floats to the bottom of your lungs. Your heat begins to beat very rapidly and you feel desperate for air, but cannot due to the fact that the water fills up your nose. The situation is exactly like drowning. If it was as easy as just, holding your breath for 20 seconds, then many people who have been waterboarded would not have a fear of water so strong that they cannot take showers, and they would not wake up in the middle of the night screaming thinking they were being smothered to death because their covers were over their face.

Side: That would suck big time

Just hold your breath until you pass out. That's what my brother in law did. He's a navy seal. Being waterboarded was part of his training. Now, how can they legally torture you as part of your training, you may ask. Well, because waterboarding is not really torture. But that's a different debate all together, isn't it ;)

Side: Just hold your breath!