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Debate Score:4
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 Human Rights (3)

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loredanac(4) pic

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Human Rights

Is it important to celebrate The Universal Declaration of Human Rights  in schools?
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Yes, we should celebrate the declaration of universal human rights, but until the Left stops supporting No Restriction abortions of viable babies for any reason, they are but barbaric hypocrites.

I say to every Democrat and Liberal in this world, get your own inhuman house in order before you piously judge others.

1 point

The right, or the rights "LEADER", is supporting other leaders that are killing both viable and ACTUAL babies by the thousands in the middle east, N. Korea, Ukraine, Syria, etc., while he tears actual babies from their mothers at the southern border. The left doesn't like that! (Just sayin'). ;-)

Yes, I think it's important to teach each generation these things and why they were created.