
Debate Info

Lookin' good Hellno! Yellow teeth were better
Debate Score:35
Total Votes:36
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 Lookin' good Hellno! (15)
 Yellow teeth were better (8)

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Hellno(17724) pic

I Got My Teeth Whitened: What Do You Think?


Lookin' good Hellno!

Side Score: 23

Yellow teeth were better

Side Score: 12

You googly teeth mother Fker ;)

Side: Lookin' good Hellno!
1 point

actually they're dentures, but don't tell anyone.

Side: Lookin' good Hellno!
2 points

Oh, hey Hellno. What are you doing tonight? ;)

Side: Lookin' good Hellno!
1 point

Baby, I'm just hangin' and tryin' to look cool! ;)

Side: Lookin' good Hellno!
2 points

You're succeeding hon. ;) Maybe you should give me a call.

Side: Lookin' good Hellno!
Hellno(17724) Clarified
1 point

Do you like me new teeth?

Side: Lookin' good Hellno!
1 point

Okay, there I made a before and after! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Side: Lookin' good Hellno!

Everything was basically whiten I can see what else was repaired besides the teeth.

Side: Lookin' good Hellno!
1 point

hey you... ;) u dropped something, what did i drop u ask? my jaw baby :* now gimme a lick of those chompers!

Side: Lookin' good Hellno!
1 point


Side: Lookin' good Hellno!
1 point

Why thank you

Side: Lookin' good Hellno!
1 point

LOL. Love the head animation .

Side: Lookin' good Hellno!
1 point

141 days later and my teeth are still white as can be! Take that haters!!

Side: Lookin' good Hellno!
2 points

Stupid Photobucket! It does this sometimes? It's not showing up so look over here---------------------------------------------->

And to think of all the money I spent to get this procedure done!

Side: Yellow teeth were better
1 point

P.S. I also polished my little skull and cross bones on me pirate hat!

Side: Yellow teeth were better

Being a Pirate as Obama is, he looked better with the yellow teeth.---------

Side: Yellow teeth were better
2 points

How is this a debate? Stupid, just stupid

Side: Yellow teeth were better

Here we also have fun instead of being so serious all the time it is good to have changes don't you agree?

Side: Lookin' good Hellno!
1 point

It still looks rotten and it looks better that way so it looks like you dont brush your teeth

Side: Yellow teeth were better
Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

Well, if you're so freaking hot Srom, why don't you put a real pic of yourself on here? Huh? I think I look good and I was just trying to better myself by getting my teeth whitened! Maybe you're just a little racist and don't like me because I'm black? Huh? Is that what this is really about?

Side: Lookin' good Hellno!
Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

I am not being racist. I am not allowed to post my face any way because my parents said I can't . My face to you might be ugly and I kinda of look nerdy but I dont care what you think

Side: Yellow teeth were better
1 point

I think the yellow teeth were better, but I like the pirate hat all white and it looks like a real bone.

Side: Yellow teeth were better
Hellno(17724) Clarified
1 point

Well I'm sure they'll be yellow again before ya know it... you know I'm smoking in the rose garden, everyone does!

Side: Lookin' good Hellno!