
Debate Info

truth but my ass hole
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:4
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 truth (2)

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Deitus(138) pic

I finally understand why Mingi thinks I am aligned with Black, and why he's correct

If Fiora and the demigods are as Mingi describe them, and "reality" exists merely for their entertainment, then in whatever capacity I can I would reject Fiora and her servants and reject the destiny they have given me. I would side with the ones who go against Fiora and are more powerful in many ways, the side of anarchy and of ripping down what she has built. Not to destroy existence itself but to create a new world in a better image than hers. That image would be mine, in case you're wondering.


Side Score: 3

but my ass hole

Side Score: 0
1 point

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Side: truth
0 points

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Side: truth
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