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 I guess since I am not a gay man, I cannot stand up for gay rights. So biphobic. (14)

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Sitara(11075) pic

I guess since I am not a gay man, I cannot stand up for gay rights. So biphobic.

Gay, straight, or bisexual, I have the right to stand up for what I believe in. I am a liberal, so I support rights for everyone. Is that a crime?

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2 points

Not at all, should I decide to pick a political party to follow, it would be the American version of liberal party. You just stand up for what you believe in, don't let your life be governed by idiots who think otherwise, and who you will never meet again.

1 point

Yes sir. I will do that. .

Jungelson(3955) Clarified
1 point

Hmmmm... Sarcasm..? Sorry I'm not thinking very well at the moment :)

2 points

Don't let those fuckers talk their shit to you. You gotta be stronger than those weaklings. I know you well enough to tell you that you can do it.

1 point

I am so gonna take your advice. I was using sarcasism to point out their logical fallacies.

Girl I am so fucking serious. These people are beating the shit out of you on here (not literally). You gotta step up and stay strong.