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Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 I have notices there are two debates that are not working right (6)

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goodmale(1459) pic

I have notices there are two debates that are not working right


I seen two debates that are not working right. example I posted and other people have posted on the debate but it will not show up as recent activity. the two debates that are not working are (should it be legal to have sex with dogs) and the other is (should sex with animals be legal) Please fix this

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1 point

Please fix these debates. I will be looking for other debates that has the same problem too.

1 point

This is because it is listed in the Not Safe For Work (NSFW) category.

1 point

why, there is nothing wrong with these debates !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 points

If there is nothing wrong with them then why make a debating stating that there is something wrong with them?

1 point

ggggggd gfgjjj fsdgg hgd fgd hhfs fhhd gge fgd yfs tr h ffhy teef ggfd