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Debate Score:7
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 I'm flattered how many times I get special mention in debate titles. Thank you stalkers! (6)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

I'm flattered how many times I get special mention in debate titles. Thank you stalkers!

If my words were not hitting home, these insecure stalkers would ignore me. They know my words are shining a light on the inhumanity and hypocrisy of the Democrat Party, and they must demonize me because of it.

If there were such a thing as impeachment on a debate site, these Leftists would have long ago impeached me.

Trump and myself take your hatred as a badge of honor. Thank you!
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-3 points
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

Trump is hated by the Democrat Party because he is getting things done

Yes it must be because you're getting things done sat in front of your computer every day for years on a tiny site like this.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Do you see how you twist my words to try and make some deceptive point?

I never said I get things done. I said Trump gets things done.

I helped get him elected with my words, and my words will hopefully help get him elected again.

Have you heard the saying, that if you talk to ten people, and each of those ten people talk to ten people, in a very short time the entire nation has heard the message.

If you can tell me of a better debate site, with intelligent debaters, I will gladly give it a try.