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 I take great pleasure in having bigot free debates. You repeatedly show me why! (1)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

I take great pleasure in having bigot free debates. You repeatedly show me why!

I want to personally thank each and every anti Christian bigot on this site who take the time to create debates in my name. I'm flattered!

The fact that I live under your skin, and give you so much angst, truly does make my day. It confirms everything I know to be true about the Left.

I have taken Excon and AlofRI off my ban list because they live in the rhelm of sanity. They do not spend every waking moment stalking me, nor spewing childish hatred towards me. They actually try to respond to the debate topic rather than repeating mindless hate. Try it, and who knows, you might someday grow up to become part of humanity.

Wait, neither Excon or AlofRI agree with me on many issues, yet they are not banned! How is this possible? According to the hate filled bigots, I ban people for simply disagreeing.

I keep forgetting that truth and Bigots will never mix. You lack the most basic ability to look within yourselves, and admit your faults. That takes an inner security you've never known. You live in a constant state of fear and hatred, always blaming your problems on others, and never understanding the miracle of forgiveness.

When you forgive others, your pain is lifted and your mind will be set free! As soon as your hatred stops, rational people will forgive you. This is not rocket science.
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Forgiveness takes all the power away from those who have hurt you. They will no longer live in your minds.

Forgiveness is not given for the sake of the person who caused your pain. It's meant for you!