
Debate Info

Debate Score:13
Total Votes:14
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 I was not trolling Chuz, I was debating. (12)

Debate Creator

Sitara(11075) pic

I was not trolling Chuz, I was debating.

Shoot, maybe this is karma for me unfairly banning people. I see what yall were saying. I will try to be more mature.

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Srom(12120) Banned
1 point

How about not creating drama and just moving on to actually debating. It happens sometimes we get it. Its ridiculous how many debates you make that are dramatic. I am sorry if this does offend you.

Its not wonder you passed me in points because you made pointless debates like these just to rack up points. I could do the same but I don't really want to cause drama.

Drama? Dude you have a crush on a girl on this site bro. You love her. Lol.

Srom(12120) Banned
1 point

I don't have a crush on a girl! Why do you bring this up?! Seriously! I am not even in love with her!

Stop trying to make me like her.

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

You know what? It takes two to tango. I apologized to everyone so you are way out of line judging me, young man. I am currently sick with bipolar. Go ahead and Google how aweful it can be. It is Hell. John 7:24 Judge not according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.