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God help us, yes God help us, no
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:2
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 God help us, no (1)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

If Lou Dobbs becomes a politician, are Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh far behind?

God help us, yes

Side Score: 0

God help us, no

Side Score: 1
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I don't think that any of them will be running for anything. Dobbs was, I guess, forced out from CNN recently because he was routinely spewing lies, misinformation, and conspiracy theories. While the same could be said for Beck, Fox "News" doesn't seem to mind that, I wonder why??

Beck & Rush are great at what they do...stirring the pot & saying outrageous things. Rush is a college flunk-out, and Beck is a college drop-out. Both have had serious trouble with drug addictions, and both are serious hypocrites IMO on a variety of issues. Both are also most likely hard-core racists. These aren't the kind of people that you really would want running on your Party's ticket.

In all honesty, I used to watch Rush's TV show back in the 1990s pretty religiously. I even taped it when I had to go to bed to get to work early the next day. He was very entertaining, in kind of a buffoonish way. He seemed to like to glow in his pompacity (I loved when his library behind him on the show was filled with one book...his, and then when he changed it when he second book came, & to rail against the Clinton's, which I though was hilarious.

Side: God help us, no