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 If a girl of 16 says that she wants to marry then what should the Govt do? (7)

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Afroz(7) pic

If a girl of 16 says that she wants to marry then what should the Govt do?

If a girl of 16 years says that she wants to marry then what should the Government do? 

1. Should she be killed?

2. Should she be imprisoned?

3. Should she be declared to be of bad characted? 

4. Or simply after some physical check up maturity, she should be allowed to marry with whom she wants?

Their are some points that i would like to put before you before you answer:

1. If she were of a bad character then she would not ask to marry but she would do whatever she wanted. 

2. Doesn't a girl have the right to think for her pleasure in a better and respectable way? 

3. The girl or the Government, Who needs guidance and councilling? 

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I think it would be acceptable so long as

1) there is approval by a parent or legal guardian (unless the legal guardian is the spouse)

2)have an inspection by a state official.

Let her marry. Its not the governments problem. If there has to be a government it should only be concerned with economic problems not social ones. Social problems should be discussed and taken care of by the people involved in them.

1 point

The goverment should check in to make sure the girl is not being harmed or corcered in to the marriage.

MrPrime(268) Disputed
1 point

Many social problems can easily turn in to economic problems, public safety problems, public health problems, etc. I'm not saying the government should always be involved, but to say it should never be involved could lead to big problems.

1 point

In the UK you can get married at 16 with parent's consent.

1 point

The government should do nothing.


1 point

Tell her to wait till she's 18. It's not such a big drama to wait 2 years.