
Debate Info

yes, there's a double standard no
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:14
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 yes, there's a double standard (5)
 no (4)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

If a man kills a one week old fetus, has he committed murder?

If the answer is, "yes" please keep in mind that  for the purposes of abortion a one week old fetus is:

1.  a parasite

2.  a blob of cells

3.  a non-person, non-citizen

4. has no rights

Iif the answer is, "no" then please keep in mind that a man who doesn't want to pay child support for 18 years and choses instead to create a situation where the woman has a miscarriage, will only face battery charges or domestic violence charges or assult charges.  The consequences for any one of these charges may seem trivial compared to 18 years of child support and prompt a man to make that choice.

yes, there's a double standard

Side Score: 7


Side Score: 6

I believe that there's a precedence that condemns this as murder. Which prompts me to ask, why can a woman kill a one week old fetus (through abortion) but a man cannot?

Now I can see an abortion being performed due to rape and serious health reasons for the mother. But these cases are rare. Which means that most abortions are performed simply because the fetus is an inconvenience or unwanted (which is the same reason why a man may want to force a woman to have a miscarriage).

Why women have abortions

1% of all abortions occur because of rape or incest; 6% of abortions occur because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or child, and 93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient).

Does it make sense to have this apparent contradiction in the law?

Side: yes, there's a double standard
2 points

I completely agree with you....

There is no right for the mother herself to kill the life growing in her!

says an Indian Movie!

Side: yes, there's a double standard
1 point

I completely agree with you....

There is no right for the mother herself to kill the life growing in her!

says an Indian Movie!

Side: yes, there's a double standard
1 point

I completely agree with you....

There is no right for the mother herself to kill the life growing in her!

says an Indian Movie!

Side: yes, there's a double standard
1 point

I completely agree with you....

There is no right for the mother herself to kill the life growing in her!

says an Indian Movie!

Side: yes, there's a double standard

The issue here isn't killing the foetus, it's the man's assault on the woman. Generally speaking, women don't even know they're pregnant one week after conception occurred.

Side: No
2 points

No, it is not murder, because a fetus (especially a one-week-old fetus) is nothing but a blob of cells, a non-person, a non-citizen, and therefore has no rights.

However, the woman does have the right to the sanctity of her own body and the distinction, perhaps, could be made between assault and battery and/or domestic violence resulting in miscarriage and assault and battery and/or domestic abuse for the purpose of creating a miscarriage.

Now, if someone intentionally kills an obviously pregnant woman, say, third trimester, I could see calling that murder.

Side: No
1 point

Ok, let me think ... this question is FLAWED. Most of the time men don't decide if their wife or girlfriend get an abortion. The question is also asked in a anti-abortionist way. Abortions don't happen at on week either.

Side: The question is flawed

Oh.... if a woman goes against a man's wishes to have an abortion, then he can decide if she is going to have a misscarriage by beating her near her uterus. The result is the same thing as an a abotrion (a dead fetus). Plus he doesn't have to pay child support for 18 years and he has to accept the concequences of beating her in order to cause a misscarriage (but the consequences are monetarily less than 18 years of child support). And ten to one he'll do minimal jail time (if any).

Side: No