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 If you can't see how the biased media twists everything Trump says, you truly are fools! (2)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

If you can't see how the biased media twists everything Trump says, you truly are fools!

Unless you live under a rock, you know the vast majority of media is in the bank with the Democrat party and with Hillary. If you truly don't know this, you do not belong on a debate site because you are totally blind and are condiitioned and programmed by the media.

Now here are the facts without the media's and democrat's total distortions and exagerations.

Trump DOES NOT want to ban all Muslims from coming to this nation. Only possible terrorists from dangerous areas. He wants to go slowly until we for sure know we are not allowing terrorists into this nation! THAT IS COMMON SENSE YOU MORONS!

Trump DOES NOT want to use nuclear weapons!

Trump does not want Russia to hack our emails YOU TOTAL IDIOTS! He was JOKING AND BEING FACETEOUS!

Trump DOES NOT want to kick out nato nations!

Trump DOES NOT want to ban Mexicans from coming into this nation. ONLY ILLEGAL MEXICANS! Trump does not believe all Mexicans are criminals!

Trump does not love Putin and does not praise his atrocities! What he said was that Putin was a leader for Russians where Obama is not a leader.

All the deception you hear from the liberal media and idiots on this site are total lies and exaggerations!

It seems the Democrat party is made of dishonest people. Their DNC was crooked, favored Hillary and tried to get Bernie defeated. Hillary is a criminal liar and corrupt person deserving of prison. Obama lied constantly about benghazi, about Obamacare, about bringing both parties together, about being outraged over the 8 Trillion debt while he DOUBLED IT.

I think the entire Democrat party has lost all sense of moral values, of honesty and the ends ALWAYS justifies the means.

Do you like being conditioned by Big Brother so you will elect the big money corporation's candidiate? Do you like being conditioned to fear Trump, the candidate not being supported by big money corporations?

Hillary just received 48 million from big money corporations while Trump received 18 thousand dollars from the same.

Do you remember how Democrats have been telling you for decades how they hate big money control in politics, and the huge amounts of campaign money from rich corporations? NOW YOU DON'T CARE AFTER BERNIE HAD YOU ALL FIRED UP? Hillary is bought and paid for by big money corportions, including billionaire George Soros and Warren Buffet!

You people on the Left are such deceptive phonies! There is nothing honest and true that you stand for and you have been bought off as was Bernie Sanders. Remember your guy Bernie who you supported and said you liked because he was against big bank money going to Hillary? WHAT HAPPENED? You are jokes who stand for NOTHING! You would vote for Democrats no matter how corrupt you find out they are.

Every election for decades we heard from Democrats and the liberal media how the GOP was in bed with big money coporations. Now you know the truth and what do you do? You vote for the candidate tied to big money. Trump is NOT GETTING BIG MONEY FROM CORPORATIONS! Hillary is!

Stop spewing your insane rhetoric how Trump is worse than a proven criminal Hillary. If you truly believe that , DON'T VOTE FOR EITHER YOU TOTAL MORONS!
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1 point

99% of the time the media just plays clips of him saying outrageous stuff and the public is left to make up their mind about what it means. Just because the man says a lot of naturally stupid stuff doesn't mean the media is spinning it, they're just reporting it.

1 point

Ha ha ha. It doesn't need any twisting. The maniac is his own worst enemy. You are so obvious in your political pandering. No objective or reasonable person would believe Trump hasn't said or done the things he has said and done oh so publicly oh so often.